***letting world see what we are***

This Blog is created as a platform for Students of Somaiya to expose their creativity, so that they can explore what they have on themselves. Friends, lets join this movement, Lets get ourselves published here, lets inspire each other, lets support and comment in this blog, So that we can be successful in our first vision.
God Bless Everyone.

(k.j somaiya college of science and commerce)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

~~Why on the earth i took plain Bsc?~~

~~Why on the earth i took plain Bsc?~~

(An article for those people who are confused of BSc as career)

(this post is not about "not joining engineering", but its about why BSc science?)

After I gave my secondary level board examination, I had to choose one faculty among Science, commerce and Arts as my junior level college subject... Everyone suggested me to opt for science but I had a different plan because I knew Science was not my cup of tea. I never could learn how magnetic fields are produced, nor could I understand the procedure of preparing ammonia. With some nightmare I managed to recite the names of 205 bones, but getting familiar with other biological terms used to be a new reason for frequent headache.Physics was tough for me, chemistry was tougher and biology was toughest. But even with all these odds, I was one who had left every one far behind in the subject of mathematics.

Soon our results were declared, and I passed missing distinction with a few marks. To be school topper in mathematics was a reward for my hard work, but what surprised me more was my score in science where I had scored above my aggregate marks. Now it was the time for choosing which road I should follow for my future career: Science, commerce or arts? Forget about my school toppers, my friends who had scored “hanging first division marks”, were also opting for Science. My teachers were expressing the science field in such a way that I felt as if I have entered a five star hotel and I am standing in front of delicious food which had watered my mouth. I couldn’t resist myself from directing towards that table; I thought the span of a few years doesn’t really mattered to me to taste it. I felt I was ready.

On the very first day of junior college, our teachers had warned us- ‘you opted for science in senior secondary, but don’t dare to try it after completing this level, because you will join the path of plain BSc, and you will struggle more in life.’ My hearts also second those thoughts and as other science student, I was determined to be an engineer.

After few hurdles and struggle, I passed senior secondary level in first division. It took complete 5 years to achieve this, and in these duration, I even didn’t dreamed of opting for Bsc because I had faith in my abilities and I was sure, I wouldn’t be joining the “group of struggles and failures” But life never goes on the way we direct. And one nightmare can change the whole phase of life; I knew it and I even experienced it.

Because of some carelessness in studies, and some problems pertaining documents, the way to become an engineer was blocked. This wasn’t the end of life, and with the ability to take a few breaths, I moved ahead with the thought that I can still live a longer life.

I was always assured myself that instead of science, I can show my talent in commerce and perhaps best I can be in Arts, because I was always inclined towards accounts, economics, sociology and literature. So, to get admission for graduation level, I kept my option open for every field, but not for plain bsc !!

My percentage of 64% was not sufficient to give me a ticket of either commerce or arts class room, and again with a hopeless mind, I had to join plain BSc, blaming every invisible supreme power for giving me such a poor future! Yeah, I meant the poor future because I felt “bsc science was the end of a journey”.

But as I start going college, I got to know the different opportunities open for a bsc graduate. There were some friends with distinction marks in senior secondary level just because they were determined themselves for some specific field in higher education. This gave me the huge relief that God had answered my previous question of joining technical line not by “yes”, even not by “yes, soon in the future” but he answered by saying, “there is better one for you coming soon”. . I had enrolled myself in the first year with subject physics –maths -stats. And with the help of my teachers, I could again prepare myself for the new destination and a stable future where in horizon, life is found more successful and much beautiful.

Bsc science is itself a promising field where we can find wide range of variation in scope. So because of many opportunities available here, provided we engaged ourselves with hard work and efficiency, we can get many scopes both for education and career in future. From life science to geology, from scientist to lab assistant and from statistician to mathematician and even in general field, bsc can be happily accepted.

I am assured of my future now, but at times I have to answer people, who still call plain bsc as a failure. They ask me “Why on the earth did you joined Bsc”? Sometime I try explaining them, sometime I feel; there isn’t a need for any explanation.

Today’s youth might have diverted their mind towards engineering and medical sciences, it’s their own choice. But what makes me worried is that they ignore BSc. Getting admission in Medicine and engineering is not a tough job, but when it’s about our future, we always find a few struggles in every corner of the world.

Let not take Life towards that crowd which world is following. But let us lead to that direction where we can make ourselves and lead the crowd one day. Every subject has its own importance and if we are faithful to it, we can be successful in our individual field, either that be learning any regional language or being high class technician. For upcoming students, all the best for your future and enjoy your academic life. If we have hope of continuing the journey to heaven even after death, then how can plain bsc be the end of our journey?

For those who are not convinced, all I can say is just have passion and look forward, there will be thousands of success stories which will answer your question, and “why on the earth did I join plain bsc!”

Suraj Ghimire

SyBSC "A" Division

SomeOne Special.....

SomeOne Special.....
How Many PEOPLE do you meet in a day?
5-6 or BILLIONS more?

How Many STRANGERS you Coincide?
Hundreds , Thousands , OR Lacs may be?

How Many LOVED ONES you get daily?
ALL OR HALF can be!

How Many GOODS you face a day?

How many FRIENDS you make a day?

SOME COUPLE OR LESS than can be!


By- Nishchal Dwivedi
SyBsc "A" Division



Life, as it entered the new stage in a new place
I was searching to settle out my feet here,
Amongst people, I looked at most of them
And I related myself, with one beneath me
The expression they had was no stranger
Just similar to me I was carrying with me,
Something matching and few mismatching
To conclude again, “and I was not alone”

Struggling in life, pain suffered, adapting loss,
For my failure, I blamed almighty every time,
Yeah, I always had excused praying for a miracle,
Sometime doubting if he really exists somewhere
Then I looked at the queue before my holy house
Some praying, some crying and few shouting,
Standing with their own story, with their own pain
To realize myself again, and “I was not alone…”

Carrying out new ambition, I set a target for life
Glancing at world of race, I said “I need to win”;
Yeah, I need to; I was more determined again
My future my dreams and my destiny lied here.
Soon I found millions paving towards success
Proclaiming themselves as deserving and best
Time will be tougher and need hard luck now ever
To penetrate mind again, “and I was not alone”

Carrying Innocence and being humble, respected
I believed I could land somewhere in a good place
I needed some peace and joy of living life, but
Meet that spirit blessed one, very ahead of me
In search of harmony, brotherhood, love and so on…
World was unpredictable for me, I requested God,
“My name in book of life, please don’t erase it lord”
Many are ahead of me for that, as “I was not alone“

Every place I roamed, every aspect I analyzed
Not only in ruined culture, too inside civilized,
I found billions, crying & suffering more than me
I found millions, happier, and successful than me
Lovely, obedient and loyal than what I really am!
Fear of insecurity, damage and heavy loss in future
Yeah, I was no more exotic, coz I was not alone

Suraj Ghimire
SyBSc "A" Div

~~ An illogical circuit gate in Physics lab~~

~~ An illogical circuit gate in Physics lab~~

(fiction story)

Mathematics is my love and from the moment of class 10, I dreamed of having PhD in mathematics. So to get this superlative dream fulfilled, pursuing graduation in mathematics was a next step which I had to cover. In first year of graduation as this journey, topics like mechanics and electronics would give such hurdles, I was aware of it, but these moments would have been so memorable, I hardly guessed it. For somebody very poor in physics like me, integration and derivatives of hilarious equation was often distracting me from the physics book as a pole of magnet would repel its similar pole. First year Bsc was definitely an exciting stage where I found numerous friend on my college and I loved being with them on their time of necessity, but along with my friends, I felt as if here is my destiny waiting for me to take the highest summit of all time.

Life will never be the same again. For what I was pleasured of, in my first year Bsc, I may not be able to forget it for eternity. Perhaps After my graduation, I am not sure if I shall be even remembering the Newton first law of motion, but because of physics, I have found something here which I can never forget, nor shall be willing to forget for rest of my life. the forgettable moment linked with the logical circuit gate looked like it was written to happen “to be written by some permanent markers” forcefully in corner of my heart despite I never wanted this particular story to get it published in front of world.

After the end of teacher’s strike in Mumbai University, practical classes for physics laboratory was kicked off. We were supposed to oscillate there every Wednesday and Thursday. Although physics theory was indigestible by me, its practical were never boring because I loved being there. Moreover I had started loving atmosphere of physics because of unlimited fun we had shared when handling resistance box and digital-meter. With new friends around me, I had found myself really happy and frankly saying, I was happy to find myself happy after such a long interval. This looked like the pain I got earlier from my life was just negligible in front of these joyous moment.

In this crowd of book muggers and class bunkers, there was someone whose presence had spread fragrance all over laboratory room. That could be another reason why I am recently in love with my physics manuals and apparatus, definitely! Since the first day I attained practical, my heart had unusual beating as if someone as very close neighbor of my heart is just beneath me. I classified her in group of princess with no second thought. In front of her, although my lips was always tight, I recognized her realistic presence in my life from the very day, almost deciding of getting my kingdom surrendered to this beautiful stranger. I would have definitely not minded if world would have nicknamed her as Hitler II, just to act myself as laser beam that could be the continuous source of propagation of happiness and success in her life and in her love. Don’t know why I was in hurried to do this, but the every time I asked this question myself, I was answered “not to be worried suraj”.

For somebody like me failing regularly in the subject of beauty and stylish, Describing her beauty was never a cup of my tea. But it was just a dominance of this stranger in my mind and heart, which had short-circuited my entire knowledge of outer world and whether that be day or night, my thought used to be deviated to remember her asking myself again, “what can be the purpose of this black beauty coming to my life”?

Yes, black beauty because she was the one who used to be decorated most of time in black dresses. Either that be a modern dress of top and jeans, or classical dress, in every appearance, she was undoubtedly an angel for me. Because of this, I can confidently say that “black must be her favorite color”. Like a super-romantic Hindi movie her partially colored brown hair used to blow in wind, leaving me with another question, “is she really actress of my life for whom I am waiting for so long?”

These types of debate were always running in my life, and so the time until that day once again in physics lab……..

I was enjoying my physics practical on the day of Thursday. Our group was supposed to evaluate De-Morgan’s theorem in circuit gate. Soon, I happened to see the same girl whose outlook had disturbed me from last five months. This time it was some unusual magnetic force that was making me to see her and only her. Along with this logic gate, I was trying to find out what is really connection with this girl which is making me think her again and again? She had already noticed my starring, but giving no care what can be the result, I was only and only looking at her as if I have valuable assignments to submit in no time today, giving no interest in physics practical result.

Every time I have found her near my surrounding, I had a reason to smile which often twinkled my face just like a fully charged capacitor. Perhaps there was no such link as of two logic gate, between Anamika, ‘girl of my life’ and this stranger, still I have been finding Anamika in her since the first day I happened to saw her. Recently, I have not talked with any of these two girls, but keeping them in my heart was just a joyous.

Yeah, her appearance often and often reminded me about anamika. But in the eye of that girl whose name I never knew till today, I was trying to find myself just because she was sitting 5 meters far from me. With ambition of knowing her name, I starting checking attendance file in physics practical room. 3 girls in her group, I know the name of other two. I tried to apply few logics and then found her name: Nisha, Vandana and Neha! This means, the sweet name I am trying to know is “Neha”!

It was really stupid of me to see her continuously for 90 minutes, isn’t it? Whatever is, I felt like finding some logical connection between Neha and Anamika! Life happy again! Hurray…

I always feel like writing for my anamika, and in this moment the poem might not be better, still love to dedicate it for her…

“You are my friend, the one who was with me in every nightmare
You are my love, one who had taught me start loving myself
You are my passion, and the one who had made me realize my ambition
You are my destiny, the one who have shown the way to my destination"

Like an angel, I still loved you, keeping you in my mind and soul
Although you are now not with me, I never stopped planning my life with you
You hardly replied me in these occasions; still I often interacted with you
Missing you was painful, non-resistible; still I am happy on missing you

Being eager to know more about Neha, I recalled her past activities in college function. Physics was her passion and she want to go with physics in Third year Bsc. On the way of analyzing her, I got a great shock because her hobbies of dancing and painting, the same as anamika had! My god, similar outlook, comparatively same voice, similar color hair, style of walking, style of talking everything matching, I can accept this as co-incidence. But hobbies too! Even twin may not have all this similarity in them. This time I badly missed anamika and her last few words, “suraj, I am never going away from your life; instead I shall always be roaming around you from here after onwards. Yeah, you might need me and you might be missing me, and in case you happen to doubt about your importance in my life, to prove that I was really in love with you, I shall be for you and I shall be in front of you every time you open your internal heart to see me. Every time you analyze the surrounding, you shall be finding some link with them on me, I shall be always there to inspire you and to take you towards your destiny… whatever may be the cost, and I will never let you be alone…”

Yes dear, the thing is something like this…

Whenever I want myself to stop missing you, I look at the world...
but it takes no longer when I start feeling your appearance in those people whom I had already seen so much before too...
some people hair are similar like of yours,
some people voices are similar like of yours,
some have similar nose, some similar lips..
everywhere, every place, whenever I see you, then I feel like you being in front of me....
whenever I try to forget u, u are always in my mind .......
this makes u special and this makes me feel that yes, I am fallen in true love with you and I have accepted u as my true and best friend.......

I wish I could share all of these to Neha… I wish I could show her presence in my life. I wish she understand it all very soon. But modern age girl like her will think it just as “method of flirting” and however I shall try convincing her, she will never believe me.

In matter of conversation, I might had silenced many examiner in the time of viva, but this time it was black beauty who had sealed my lips and that is why I never had a single conversation or nor even I dared to smile in front of her. Whenever she used to pass nearby me, for the moment, my heart would stop beating for a while and many times I had lost on her twinkling lips... Yeah, I wish I could share all this to her, but as an individual and as a youth, I have my own responsibility and I too had a very special promise given to somebody of reaching the destination on time.

I believed on praying, but till that day I didn’t asked Neha even a single time with my lord. And I too had decided not to ask her for me ever again. Because I know, for somebody like Neha, spending life with me, it will be a truly difficult…

Then a time came where I didn’t found Neha in the entire college for full seven days… First day, I thought Neha had bunked the college, second day I thought she must be busy, third day I thought maybe she is out of station but from fourth day onwards I started getting worried. I worried if her health is really fine or not! I was praying with my god for her safe health, but still I never requested in my praying “Neha as my girl friend in my life.” I just wanted to know her health status, but whom should I ask about her!

Truly saying, her voice had irritated me lot, but this time I was dying to listen from her. I used to run far away every time she used to pass through my way, but this time I was missing her so much. I hate myself on loving her but I used to love to love her lot.

Finally I was happy to see this black beauty once again in college canteen in eight day. I had missed her so badly in these eight day that I just wanted to sit in front of her and talk, talk and talk. But I was not successful again, because I never wanted her to get a single hint of my one sided love towards her. I thanked my almighty for making her safe and took a long breath of relief.

Once again in physics lab, it was a time of demonstration and skill experiment, I found her. This time it was a brownish color classical dress, Shining Black polished finger’s nail, silver color of sandal had added beauty in the physics lab.

From the discussion group of girls in physics lab, I got to know that few of them were invited by Neha. Although I was not among the invited people, I was desperate to find out what is the celebration about. From one of my very close friend, I found she was sharing that happiness on the occasion of her Engagement ceremony which she recently had…, I got to know that “her engagement was held just before few days ago” a great shock! Yes, she had a beautiful diamond ring worn in her finger and it was the first time I had seen in her hand which confirmed that she has entered into the new phase of life…

Though before day I never had any hope of getting her in my life, I felt like another biggest dream has been rejected by proprietor of Destiny Enterprises. My mind was paralyzed, letting me think no any else, but only and only her. I imagined what I could have done for that girl. Definitely, I regretted for not keeping the wishes of getting her in my praying. Although my love for that girl was never so serious, I got scared of coming future.

For the sake of her company, this time I was even ready to forget my love towards mathematics to be with her in senior lab of physics till third year. Not only theoretical portion, I would have recited up entire practical data, just to spread smile in her life. I asked myself, would time favor me if I had expressed my feelings for her much earlier? I hadn’t expressed all these perhaps because of high chance of getting denied. Moreover, Anamika was always in my mind who had sacrificed herself just to let me find my destination. I was not ready to regret those moments of starring at Neha, still it looked like I had lots of question to ask with Creator of heaven. “Moments we lost can never be restored and it’s the law of nature” and I know I must accept this condition.

I finally realized that the circuit link I found in physics lab was just an illogical circuit which had no any valid connection. However and whatever we may try of linking any two different moments of our life, the final call has to be made by destiny itself. And not the least, we miss something special on our life just after we realized, they can never be ours.

Regarding Neha, I shall try not exposing all these with you till my last breath, but because your presence disturbs me so much, I just wish , we never meet again…..

Days will pass, and night may rule here,
But love for you will never dry just because of fear
You were with me, and shall always be for ever
I promise, will never be created here anymore drops of tear

I just wish you be always happy and you always smile
all the best for your rest of life….

And, may my god keep you always happy, my praying are always there for you…
And don’t worry Neha, I shall never let myself suffer because of you, instead, I am more determined to reach my aim and touch the summit, I shall too be smiling, smiling forever and ever and the thing I can definitely promise, I shall never be able to forget you………..

Regards, with love from this stranger…


The Other Side Of Their OWN COIN!

The Other Side Of Their OWN COIN!
People forgot to SMILE..
They Forgot to greet each other!
PEOPLE became too serious...
about their life....

I gave them a HINT,
GAVE their life a bit of tint!
I tried to make them LAUGH!
ON each and every small time.....

People forgot the MUSIC,
They forgot the Rythm..
NO ONE remembers to sing..
NO ONE remembers to humm...

I GAVE them a sentiment..
of tuning their own tune...
I Reminded them the VOWELS..
I Reminded them the RHYMES...

World forgot to think..
World forgot the way..
They looked the wrong side..
Began to think the wrong way..

I GAVE them a Shake..
Tried to show them the way..
I showed them the thorns..
I showed them the hay..

They Forgot the life,
They Forgot THE FAIR,
They Said just to EARN....
Even by giving others NIGHTMARE!(?)

I Showed that...LIFE has BIGGER concept!
I Told 'HELP' you sow..
You reap GOOD TURN!
I Tried to help them to help others..

THE Mortals began to FEAR Death..
After Death Pleaded for Heaven!
I told them Death is eternal Eternal TRUTH..
I made them realize..that where they live...

I got Bruised by Earth..
Still, People Hated me for my Good Will?

The ones who are just too buzy
to see
the possibility of their own life..
to see

By- Nishchal Dwivedi
SyBsc "A" Division

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

~~You Decide~~


A Small Smile OR a Big woe?

A Small happy 'pal' OR a Big NOSE?

A small Kiss.. OR a Lusty Day?

A soothing company OR an Unpredictable life?

A moment of JOY OR a Threat of

What will you like?


A cute welcome..OR Scare of Hate?

An Instinct of joy OR thinking of sorrow in way?

A Friendly mate OR partner you chase..?

A seen Smile or THE IM YOU FEEL?

the Visible Happiness OR Further Pessimism you see?

what does your heart crave for?


An Undone work OR A PERFECT life?

A joy to Improve OR Queen of HIVE?

A thoughtful day OR Commanding, Suppressive tone???

A Rowing BOAT OR Stone Hearted LAKE?

The playing in farm..OR FARMVILLE fake?



ANGER in play OR ANGER in fight?

A WILL to meet OR Non coplanar lines?

A Perfect Wave OR Destructive Interference?

A Confession NOW..OR Repent Lifetime?



YOU chase the no one on other side????



Nishchal Dwivedi
SyBSC "A" Div

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Armageddon… Then what else!

Armageddon… Then what else!

These days my parents are not in home, one of the only advantage of their absence is that I have lots of option to choose for getting entertainment by my television. So On Monday night, as usual, I was watching star movies. At 11 pm, it telecast “Armageddon” featuring Bruce wills. Its story was something related to the end of earth. A huge planetoids was supposed to hit earth after 18 days and result: the damage of every living being on earth. NASA sends Team of experienced driller leaded by Harry (Bruce wills) into space to save earth but then they are suffered with lots of hurdles too. At the end, sacrifice his life, Harry saves the planet…

My purpose is not here to write a review of this movie, but few questions were unanswered in my mind, may be it may not be answered till the end too; still my mind sometime keeps on thinking, Armageddon… then what else?

Once when I was studying in pre-primary level, there was one incident where the rumor was that earth will finish! I don’t know the exact year, but it was between 1993 to 1995. Since I was child on that time, I didn’t tried asking any question about that incident!
While we were studying in secondary level, our science teacher used to explain us about age of universe. As I was very weak in science, I don’t remember the formula, but he had concluded his answer in some trillion seconds. This time I nervously asked, “sir, how much more years?” then he replied me, “don’t worry suraj, there is lot more time, and even your hundredth generation will not face this disaster! A huge relief, because I always fear on death!

In Sunday school, at times, stories from the book of genesis were narrated among us... Genesis explained how the world began. It stated disaster god had brought at the time of Noah’s and again the fear on me! Sometime when it used to rain heavily in our side, I used to be worried, what else if this huge rainfall is part of god’s plan to destroy this world? As I grew up more, I realized that I should start reading the book of life. God promise to Noah says that he will never again destroy the world through rainfall.

It took time, but somehow I managed completing bible study at home. In the book of revelation, john explains forth coming time which has been revealed by spirit of God. It’s even harder to imagine that moment occurring in the world. If it’s so horrible in just reading, then how would really be the end of world?

For those who may be terming “bible” as superstitious, I want to lead u towards some scientific fact. 2010 is the hottest year of last 100 years. This means theory of global warming is not a fake. Day by day, temperature is being hotter and specialist says that Himalayas are melting comparatively faster.

The rapid increase in population has been the other serious concern in Asian countries. The chances of famine in very soon future are highly likeable as “central African countries are already suffering through these calamities. Fuels are getting finished and trees are being cut out. Running everything by electricity? Oh come on! Water source have started drying and drinking water is one of the other problem people are facing today. So how can we trust electricity will be the solution? Development of science has brought us to such a fearful stage that who knows, if the entire world will be “Hiroshima and Nagasaki” one day! One bottom clicked and everything over because terrorism has been another major reason of daily dose of “pain killer and paracetamol”, this thing can’t be ignored
If not the supreme power, if not the planetoids, we ourselves are taking earth towards the end. So what else after the Armageddon! Will there be any living survived? Jesus Christ scarified his life on the cross; he washed our sin through his blood, so that everyone could live a new life despite their sin. But what will be the scarification which will save the world from man-made destruction?

If not the end as of bible, if not the outer alien, the global warming or any reason of earth itself can kill entire living being. Yes, as an individual, we can do nothing here, because most of us from here are always blessing others, still.... is our blessing enough to save the world? The day may not be as near as 21 December 2012, but it is not too far too!

Question still unanswered.
Armageddon! Then what else?

Article by-
SuraJ Ghimire

this article was first posted in